Back on African soil

We returned to South Africa in November last year. Anybody who has moved home, whether within the same city, the same country or abroad will know how taxing the whole process is, both emotionally and physically. I should be such an expert at this, as I have moved home 7 times in the past 7 years, but as much as my skills at packing and labelling boxes have improved, the emotional burden never seems to decrease with each new move.

For our last few months in Taipei, we thought and double-thought, decided and double-checked to make sure that this was what we truly wanted. I have no regrets, as my intention to be closer to loved-ones more than suffices. This doesn’t mean that the adjustment is easy, by any means. I know from experience, that it does get better with time. Just last week I was an emotional wreck and this week seems to be going much better. Let’s hope next week will bring a state of heart and mind that is close to normalcy.

Our shipment just recently arrived, which means that I can start blogging properly again. You should be hearing a lot more from me.